Belgrave Station car park upgrade

We’ve delivered a new car park at Belgrave Station through the Victorian Government's Car Parks for Commuters Program.

Project benefits

The project has delivered: 

  • a new multi-level car park with 640 spaces
  • additional accessible parking and new drop off/pick up zones
  • minor improvements to the bus interchange
  • new wayfinding signage and landscaping
  • improvements to the car park entrance and roundabout
  • upgrades to the pedestrian connection from Hayes Place to the station.

We’ve delivered a new car park at Belgrave Station through the Victorian Government's Car Parks for Commuters Program.

Project benefits

The project has delivered: 

  • a new multi-level car park with 640 spaces
  • additional accessible parking and new drop off/pick up zones
  • minor improvements to the bus interchange
  • new wayfinding signage and landscaping
  • improvements to the car park entrance and roundabout
  • upgrades to the pedestrian connection from Hayes Place to the station.
Project Overview
Started 23 March 2022