Belgrave Station car park upgrade

We’ve delivered a new car park at Belgrave Station through the Victorian Government's Car Parks for Commuters Program.

Project benefits

The project has delivered: 

  • a new multi-level car park with 640 spaces
  • additional accessible parking and new drop off/pick up zones
  • minor improvements to the bus interchange
  • new wayfinding signage and landscaping
  • improvements to the car park entrance and roundabout.

Landscaping works and works to upgrade the pedestrian connection from Hayes Place to the station are continuing.

Community feedback

To find out what we heard through our community engagement sessions and surveys, read an overview of the feedback received on the car park and our latest community feedback report.

The concept designs for the car park took into account the feedback received.

We’ve delivered a new car park at Belgrave Station through the Victorian Government's Car Parks for Commuters Program.

Project benefits

The project has delivered: 

  • a new multi-level car park with 640 spaces
  • additional accessible parking and new drop off/pick up zones
  • minor improvements to the bus interchange
  • new wayfinding signage and landscaping
  • improvements to the car park entrance and roundabout.

Landscaping works and works to upgrade the pedestrian connection from Hayes Place to the station are continuing.

Community feedback

To find out what we heard through our community engagement sessions and surveys, read an overview of the feedback received on the car park and our latest community feedback report.

The concept designs for the car park took into account the feedback received.

Project Overview
Started 23 March 2022