Soil reuse form

1. Pre-application questions

Is the volume of soil proposed to be reused less than 5m3 ?*

You do not need to apply if the soil is less than 5m3. Please read our Soil Reuse Guidelines.

Is the volume of soil less than 500m3 and waste disposal category classified as ‘Fill Material’*

You do not need to apply if the soil is less than 500m3 and classified as ‘fill material’. Please read our Soil Reuse Guidelines.

We do not take applications if the origin site and reuse site are not located within the same railway precinct.

We do not take applications if the reuse site is not on VicTrack land (including land that will be transferred to VicTrack).

We do not take applications if the origin site or reuse site are located more than 200 metres from an adjacent railway precinct.

We do not take applications if the origin site and reuse site are not within the same project boundary

Eligible to apply

Eligible to apply

Eligible to apply